An older adult man sleeps in bed with a CPAP machine nasal mask on his nose.
Sleep apnea is a condition that can have negative effects on health. CPAP machines offer many benefits that improve the health of older adults. Photo Credit:

For seniors with sleep apnea, a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is usually the first choice in treatment. CPAP machines have many health benefits and can lower your risk of developing other conditions. CPAP machines must be used consistently to achieve and maximize their benefits as a treatment for sleep apnea. The benefits of CPAP and other positive airway pressure (PAP) machines can be far-reaching, so it is worth figuring out how to use your machine every time you sleep. Here, we go over several health benefits of using a CPAP machine.

Improved sleep and reduced daytime sleepiness

Older adults are more likely to struggle with daytime sleepiness than middle-aged or younger adults. Sleep apnea further contributes to sleepiness and can make it hard to function and complete activities of daily living. One of the first benefits seniors can notice from CPAP machines is improved alertness and reduced daytime sleepiness due to quality overnight sleep. 

During normal sleep patterns, you cycle through different stages of sleep. Sleep apnea interrupts these sleep stages, and restorative sleep is not achieved. CPAP machines reduce episodes of apnea and hypopnea (shallow breathing that can reduce oxygen) that cause sleep disruptions. Wearing your CPAP machine can benefit you by improving your sleep patterns and helping you wake up feeling rested. 

Reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairments

Sleep apnea and Alzheimer’s disease have been previously linked: There is evidence that poor sleep can increase older adults’ risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. One study found a statistically significant decrease in the diagnosis rate of dementia among older adults who were compliant with CPAP use after being diagnosed with sleep apnea. This study also found a reduction in the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairments with consistent CPAP use. 

Achieving more restful sleep is tied to reducing the risk of developing these conditions. Getting adequate sleep at night allows the brain to rest and repair. This process can only be achieved when you can cycle successfully through all stages of sleep.

Reduced risk of motor vehicle accidents

The relationship between sleep apnea and motor vehicle accidents has been studied since the early 1990s. Unsurprisingly, tired drivers are more likely to become distracted and have impaired reaction times. A more recent study focusing on the association between sleep disorders and car crashes found that people with sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, are 29% more likely to have problems focusing their attention while driving. People with sleep apnea, specifically, are 29% more likely to be in a crash or a near crash compared to drivers without the disorder. 

Using a CPAP machine benefits you by allowing you to get adequate rest at night, which can significantly reduce your risk of being in a car crash. CPAP machines work to restore adequate sleep patterns and ensure you get sufficient rest at night, which allows you to stay focused while on the road.

Reduced risk of developing diabetes

The cause-and-effect relationship between sleep apnea and diabetes is not fully understood. However, data shows that sleep apnea may affect how the body responds to insulin and can cause variable blood sugar levels. These changes stem from hypoxic events (periods when the body is not getting enough oxygen) that impair normal body functions.

Using a CPAP machine can benefit you by reducing or avoiding hypoxic events, which may delay or prevent insulin sensitivity and blood sugar changes that lead to diabetes. For older adults who already have an increased risk and prevalence of diabetes, managing sleep apnea with a CPAP can be very beneficial. 

Mental health benefits from CPAP machines

Quality overnight sleep is known to improve mood and cognitive functioning. Dysregulated and interrupted sleep from sleep apnea can contribute to poor mental health or the worsening of existing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. Research has shown that CPAP compliance is directly tied to significant improvements in mental health. CPAP users who wore their CPAP machines for at least a year had improvement in their anxiety, mood, and cognitive abilities. 

Lowered blood pressure

There is a direct relationship between people diagnosed with sleep apnea and hypertension (high blood pressure). It is estimated that 31% of the world’s population has high blood pressure, but this number increases to 42% for people with sleep apnea. Reducing your blood pressure by even a small amount can cause a reduction in mortality. 

To receive the most blood pressure-reducing benefits from your CPAP machine, you must wear it for at least four hours each night. Your CPAP machine can help lower your blood pressure by preventing apneic episodes that reduce blood flow to your heart and vascular system. Maintaining normal blood pressure levels is even more critical for older adults as elevated blood pressure increases your risk for heart attacks, stroke, and death.

Final thoughts on CPAP machine benefits

There are numerous health benefits for seniors who use CPAP machines to treat their sleep apnea. To maximize the benefits of your CPAP machine, you should comply with treatment and wear it for the prescribed number of hours each night. Make sure to discuss any concerns with your health care provider regarding your sleep apnea treatment plan and CPAP usage.